Blog Post

God Is A Gardener!!

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 11 May, 2019

And We Are His Garden >>>>

We have an open invitation - and God wants to work on us and help us to have an amazing inner garden!

I realised recently that I am a gardener - and I pray that God will help me be the best gardener I can be.

You have a garden - an inner garden - and God wants access to your garden to tend it and look after it.  He is for you and not against you - he has wonderful plans.  He has a beautiful design in mind.  He wants to show you what you were designed to do.  He has the blue print - the instruction manual - and he knows how we best fit.

When we come in line with Gods best plan for us - instead of swimming against the tide - we begin to ride the wave - going in the natural direction for us.  Not everyone is a gardener - but God knows who we are - what makes us tick.  We can trust him for something amazing today.....

Ask Him - "What would make me happy?"  And listen for the answer - trust God that he can show you.

Just over a year ago my life went off the beaten track - I lost my 9 to 5 office job while trying to take the next rung on the career ladder - I lost my footing and found myself out on my ear!  It was at that point that I re-opened the question - "What would make me happy?"  I was tired of the one way conversation between me and God - me talking and talking and then running off.  I now realise that it doesn't have to be one way and that he may have something to tell me.  God inspires.  He will speak if we are expectant - and if we invite him and allow him to speak.

I asked the question - "What will make me happy" - a year or so ago.  A few moments later the answer - "Propagating Plants!" dropped into my mind.  I trusted that response as Gods voice - and started busily working in that direction.

Looking back - it fits me and fits me into place.  I think the creator - knows what his creation should do to be happy.  I can attest that since I struck out in that direction - I have been happier and more well adjusted in Mind, Body & Spirit - than I ever have been.  A large claim I know.

If you are searching - and need some answers for the situation you are in - ask God and be expectant for him to answer. We can ask the questions that plague many people.  Why am I here?  And what must I do?  And then trust that he can tell us.

I know that this blog is pretty out there - but I have nothing to hide.  I am a follower of Jesus.  He invites us to have a relationship with him.  Its a simple thing between you - or me and God.  Its not half as complicated as people  want to make it.  On a good day - it is an easy like conversation between me and him.  Working my way through each day with him.

Because God is a gardener - he helps me garden - and to be the best gardener I can be.

Thanks for listening,

Happy Sage.


Kingdom Plants is a small business with a massive heart to help serve the local community in Exeter.  Helping people to enjoy and connect to their outside spaces.  To tame gardens and personalise them, working with you on the plot you have.  I believe in going the extra mile and always giving much more than I take.  It is in all the little details that I can start to make a difference.

A big thank you to my loyal customers.

<<< Thank you >>>

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