Blog Post

Sow A Seed!!

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 23 Jun, 2019

The Law Of Gardening & Giving

In keeping with the 'thought for the day' theme of the last two blogs - I consider the link between sowing seed and giving (tangible & intangible resources) - in terms of reaping what we would like to see in our lives.

In the natural world - we are able to sow seeds and plant plants - and if we follow the natural laws of gardening we can expect that seed to eventually multiply - or for the plant (maybe an apple tree) to get established and eventually start to produce fruit that we can enjoy and that birds and insects etc can prosper upon. 

So a seed of wheat planted will produce many more seeds in time.  And a plant once established can begin to change the environment in which its planted.

The Law Of Gardening Says >>>>  What you plant - or allow to grow - will produce after its own kind.

The Law Of Giving Says >>>>  Give what you most need - plant the seed of what you most want to see in your life.  And you will reap that benefit back into your life in time.

The natural world and the spiritual/mental and emotional worlds are closely linked.  So not only physical seeds and plants work under this law - other tangibles like money and other physical resources work this way.  Intangibles like joy/peace and patience work this way, along with hate/unforgiveness/anger and envy.  God has set up the universe to be a giving and receiving exchange.  This works counter to what we might expect.  By giving and sowing - we set up a law which guarantees that we will receive the resource that has been sowed back into our lives.

If we sow peace, patience and kindness into our situations - our own experience becomes more peaceful and in that way we are able to rise above circumstances and help to ensure a happier environment.  Encounter all things with a sense of joy and thankfulness and we set ourselves up for good mental health and find that that joy transforms the world around us.  Sometimes hard unloving people are softened by carrying joy into the situation.

Is our universe a happy place - and if it isn't why isn't it?  The attitude we choose to sow has a great impact on our experience of the world as well as other peoples experience.  If we are living in a hateful/unkind world - sometimes we need to check what we are sowing?  We may not have control over others attitudes - but we do have control over how we show up.

If we react automatically to the world around us - it can sometimes fall to the lowest common denominator.  In a garden setting land left to itself will go back to forest in time.  With weeds, brambles, trees etc.

Give it a go.  Have an experiment.  Enlarge your heart to give away something that you most want or need.  It takes trust and discipline and maybe a touch of madness to do that.  But I have been surprised by putting these principles into practice.  So for example helping someone else's business has lead to my own business being more prosperous.  Giving to people - unexpected bonuses in the course of my work and life - builds solid relationships - where I become more confident and assured in my own provision and others know the kindness of God in their lives.  

The garden offers a wonderful illustration of our lives - we can tend and cultivate a good garden.  So that what we plant now - and what we don't plant now - is what we can expect our gardens to produce in the days and years to come.

Through watchful patience we can produce a garden, or a life that is productive and fruitful and a place in which it is a joy to live.  By making good decisions about how we are going to show up in life - what is planted will be the good things we want to see in our gardens.

Happy Gardening & Happy Giving,

Sage X


Kingdom Plants carries a different sort of philosophy from the average business.  We are in business to add more than is taken - to leave gardens and environments better.  To work on continually improving your environment - because a well kept garden benefits our own well being and maybe raises happiness in the whole neighbourhood.

If you need a bit more happiness in your garden - contact us - for a professional unfussy service - geared to your own personal circumstances.  Thank you.
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