Blog Post

5 Lessons From The Robin>>>

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 12 Apr, 2019

 Reflecting on the life of my constant gardening companion.

Walking around - pottering and working in the garden - it struck me the other day - the dichotomy between my now gardening persona and my old office worker incarnation.

I had done the work for a few hours in a customer garden - and I became distracted by a robin and his friend who were buzzing around as I gardened.
It strikes me that having time to enjoy nature is fundamental for me and I would venture for you too.  Time to slow down and smell the roses and just be.  Gardening - offers little moments of that time and space.  Bird song is a lesson in taking time to be in the moment and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.  A good philosophy in my humble opinion.

I am really enjoying the process of life as a gardener at the moment.  It seems honest and hard work is suiting me.

I spoke to my brother who is an awesome office manager - who earns twice my income and I realised I would not swap my income for his - to move back to the office.  Being interrupted by a Robin and his mate - is a long way from life in an office.

The humble Robin - offered me a few simple truths - that I believe make life a little more easy.  A little more lighter.  And maybe little more manageable.

Lesson 1 - from the Robin.  >>> Trust God - for each days provision.  Be finance. food. friends. health.  The robin is never mindful or worried about his life and provision.  He takes each day at a time.

Lesson 2 - from the Robin.  >>> Lighten Up - don't take life too seriously - and take time to enjoy.  The robin sings his heart out because he is enjoying the process he is in!!

Lesson 3 - from the Robin. >>> Go - where your heart leads - with trust comes the freedom to step out and be what you are called to be.  The robin goes from here to there.  There is no pressure - he flits around.  Finding a worm here and there - without undue care in how the process unfolds.

Lesson 4 - from the Robin. >>> Be Happy - and make someone else happy.  Live in your sweet spot and live a life of celebration.  Life is short - we owe it to ourselves and those we love to do what will make us happy.  The robin was there just for me.  He sang - just for me.  Our happiness is for us - but also for the person/people you are with.  We are making a difference in peoples lives by our attitude to life.  The small things all add up.  Listening to the Robin sing and taking that time to celebrate in his song and enjoy the moment.  Remind us to celebrate all the little things in life.

Lesson 5 - from the Robin. >>> Like the Robin - follow the rhythms that God puts in place.  Seasons teach us a time to rest and recouperate and a time to be out and about - gathering worms.  There is something specific in each circumstance that we can learn. 

On days like today - sharing the garden with my little companion reminds me how fortunate I am.  I am a happy sage on days like today.  Days where we get to choose where we go and what we do - within reason.  Gardening as a lifestyle - brings me in constant contact with the humble Robin.  Him and his humble relation to the creator - remind me that I too can learn some of his simple reliance and trust in the process.  Trusting that the next meal will be there.  Trusting that the next job will be a good one.  Trusting that I can make a difference in peoples lives.  And trusting that life will be Ok - and that I will find enjoyment in the process.

Lessons from the robin - a little gardening companion - remind me how precious life should be.  He is a precious treasure to me - a reminder that however busy I am in the garden.  I always have time to stop and enjoy his presence.

Thanks and happy gardening.

Sage. X


Kingdom Plants is a fledgling gardening company with a massive heart to help tame and transform your outside spaces.  I am confident that given a little time and effort - I can improve your garden - and make it a more inviting and special place to be.  If you need a gardener  - and you can find me - call in the 'A(drian) Team!!

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