Blog Post

Love, Joy & Peace @ Christmas

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 24 Dec, 2020

Merry Christmas Everyone!

I am sitting in my own little kingdom today. My garden. Hearing and watching the birds buzzing backwards and forwards - feet away from me. The Robin- is singing his heart out!! And my own heart is at peace - resting and relaxing and enjoying what God gives us. I pray that you would enjoy your gardens and your own little kingdom this Christmas. For a while perhaps we can forget about Corona virus. And not being able to be with family. Remember that there is love, peace and joy in the world. We will all be together again. That there are people - who really love us. There is peace - to be had in resting. And allowing God to fight whatever battles you are facing. And there is joy in knowing that we are not in charge. That we can trust his provision and love. I pray that everyone would know God's - love, joy and peace - at Christmas.

Love your gardener - Adrian. Xxxx
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