Blog Post

Happy New Year >>> Happy Gardening!!

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 31 Dec, 2020

New 12 Part Series - How To Garden - A Basic Guide

This year has been a challenge - next year must be much better.  I am looking forward to the coming season with anticipation.  And the start of a twelve part blog series.  Titled - How To Garden - A Basic Guide.  I have picked out 12 topics which have served me well in my role as your gardener.

The twelve coming topics are >>>

1) Soil & Mulches  2) Planting & Transplanting 3) Pruning 4) Grass 5) Tools 6) Fruit Trees 7) Roses 8) Propagation 9) Creating A Garden 10)   Maintaining A Garden 11) Organic Gardening 12) Gardening & Mental Health

Looking forward to taking you with me through this series - a foundation for successful gardening.

Happy new year to you.  And blessings at this time of year to all my customers and those supporting Kingdom Plants - through good and bad times.  We look forward with hope and anticipation to the spring.  To getting out and working hard to maintain and transform your gardens.

Happy New Year!!

Love - Sage XXX


New year - new garden!!  Give me a  call this coming spring.  To tame and transform your garden - into a space you can be proud of and really enjoy.  See my review section for testimonies from many of my customers >>> Customer Reviews.  Who recommend my un-fussy, well ordered, considered approach to gardening.

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