Blog Post

Living on Purpose

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 10 Nov, 2020

Designing an intentional life

The Road Not Taken >>>> Robert Frost
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


Personally - I am on a journey to design my life more intentionally.  I think it is easy to accept the influences of media and the social pressures to conform which surround us - loosing our own uniqueness in the process.  For me - this journey started with a change of career - into horticulture.  And then from that - a questioning of my identity - asking what possessions are really needed - and which people were really serving my growth.

Lock-down has given us a unique time for reflection and reordering - to work out what is important.  Don't miss this opportunity to design life going forward - to question each area of life and ask - is this serving my greater purpose?

Turning Into A Butterfly
I see this process - like a caterpillar changing into a butterfly.  The caterpillar does not know who it will be - when it gives up its old life.  Friends and family may question this transformation, and not be altogether as supportive in the process as expected.  They were happy with the caterpillar - the way that he/she was.  But inside all of us - to make necessary changes for our growth requires some letting go of the old - and embracing the new.  Courage is needed to make adjustments which will bring about a better life.  One more fulfilling and well adjusted.


There are several good places to start - in designing an intentional life - perhaps 4 main areas to consider:

1)  STUFF >>>>>

I have asked the question with much of my stuff - does this add value to my life?  Do I really need this - or am I realistically ever going to use this?

I have found by asking those questions - it allows us to get rid of things that are not serving us or contributing to our overall happiness.  In the process working out the things which are most important.  To cherish quality - above quantity.

2)  HOME >>>>>

I have chosen to get out of the rat race - and off of the housing ladder.  To accept where I am and begin to put down proper roots and embed myself into my community.  The temptation within society is to keep reaching for the next housing rung - without questioning the wisdom of this.  Bigger house = more ongoing service costs.  A bigger house is not an investment or an asset.  It generally costs us more money all round to have a larger better house.  There is a loss of freedom by being tied in to a mortgage.  And the greater overall ongoing cost of having a larger house.

3)  PEOPLE >>>>

I have questioned - as have many others I am sure - who should remain in my life?  We can choose intentionally - those people who are 'for' us.  Who hold us up when we are flagging.  Or who support our growth - building - rather than tearing down.  Positive supportive people rather than critical, judgemental people.  By asking the sobering sensible question - who are the important people I would like to keep in my life?  We can choose where we invest our limited time and resources in those places that matter.

4)  WORK >>>>>

What makes us tick?  We do not need to settle for a life of safety and predictability - at the expense of our overall well being.  Loosing a job - in these uncertain times is a unique opportunity to find out what we should be really doing.  As I have found - being pushed is often the impetus needed for a positive change of direction.

I have found that a job is not what I want - I need an outlet that I can attach meaning to.  Jobs are fairly soul destroying - they usually try to get the most out of us with the least amount of investment.

Personally I believe that taking time out to think critically about - who I am? and what makes me tick?  Can help us keep the stuff and people - that add value.  And shed the stuff and people that don't.  To live a life on purpose - takes courage.  Your unique self cannot be contained - we owe it to ourselves to examine our lives at this time because - The butterfly that we really are - needs to fly.  And needs to be free.

Thanks for listening and journeying a little with me,

Love Sage XXX


I run a small business called Kingdom Plants which is my own unique contribution!  I enjoy helping people with their gardens and making a difference within peoples environments.  I am fortunate to be able to work in gardens which I love.  To grow plants that are life enhancing additions - to hopefully bring joy to myself and others.

If you need a helping hand - give me a shout and I will get you into my diary.  Thanks.

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