Blog Post

Less - Is More!! - Small is Beautiful.

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 13 Oct, 2020

Seeing the wood - for the trees....

For much of my life I have been sold on the lie - that more is better....or having the next thing, or being something else will make me happier.

I have come to realise - that we need to retire from that rat race.  We need to ask ourselves the questions:

1)  When are we ever going to be content and happy? 

2)  And what do we really need for that happiness?

We can design our lives to answer those questions well!

Working for myself in a gardening business - has taught me alot.  But two main things have become apparent >>>>>>

a)  What you have is enough!

There is no need for a bigger house - or more stuff - or more money - it doesn't make me happy.  What I hold in my hand is enough.  God supplies all that we need to be happy day by day.

b)  What you are is enough!

You have what you need.  And you are enough - without anything more.  You are good enough - without knowing or being more.

Let that sink in - you have enough - and you are enough!  That is the key to happiness.  Finding joy in a simple life and realising we have what we need without looking outside ourselves for more......

In a world where that is true - we don't need to work so damn hard, to earn money, to buy things, to impress people, we don't even care about.

SIMPLIFY >>>>>  My own journey down this road - started by minimising my possessions.  Asking myself:

Q)  What do I really need for the journey I am on?  Having a simpler life potentially means - less work - and more time, for those things that matter.

Our health, family and friends and all the simple things that make us happy.  We must learn to take joy from the simpler things in life.

I live in a small house (probably a better house than 95% of the population).  I have realised 'small is beautiful'.  And I wouldn't trade my simple life for anything.

That is all for now - lets get back to the gardening.......

Love - Happy Sage XXX


Kingdom Plants - is a small business with a big heart.  I keep it simple.  When it is raining hard - I stay indoors.  When God sends sunshine - I get out and enjoy my gardening and growing life enhancing, beautiful, healthy plants.

Thank you to all my loyal customers - and if you need some help and tlc in the garden - call me in for a chat.


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