Blog Post

How To Garden >>> Tools

  • by Adrian Peacock
  • 03 May, 2021

You don't need £1000's worth of tools - just get started...

A good quality tool - is a thing of beauty - and a pleasure to use.  But a good tool - does not make a good gardener.  And it is not necessary to have £1000's worth of tools.
When starting out - keep it simple until you need more.  Always buy a tool - when you definitely need it - my tool shed is full of tools I don't use.....  There is really just a handful that I come back to again and again.

I would suggest getting the following as a new gardener -

1) A good spade and perhaps a fork
2) A trowel
3) Some gardening gloves
4) Secateurs
5) Shears
6) Loppers
7) Lawn Mower - electric to start with

That is it.

Second hand tools are perfectly fine to start with.  When I started Kingdom Plants - I could not afford my own tools - so I begged and borrowed - until I could get my own tools.

A couple of good power tools could be added when you need them - a good mower - petrol is probably the best alternative for most uses.  Give your mower a good service once a year to sharpen blades and inspect all working parts - and it will be a fine.

A second useful power tool would be a long reach hedge trimmer.  Very useful for trimming longer, higher hedges and larger shrubs.  Allowing the operator to work safely from the ground - rather than on ladders.

The other 2 useful tools I carry are a petrol strimmer - to neaten lawn edges and deal with overgrown grass/weeds.  And a petrol hand held blower - which is very useful for tidying after mowing or strimming.  And makes light work of leaves.

So that is a quick guide to tools.  Until next time - happy gardening.



As a gardener - I value my tools - keeping them well serviced and maintained.  I have a tool for every job - and can make quick work of even the largest looking tasks.  Call me in to look after your own unique garden.  I can arrange for regular visits to keep your garden looking well cared for and well maintained.

Call : 0781 307 6643
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