There is a season and a time for everything - when maintaining a garden stay in tune with the changing seasons.
Spring >>> Planting can take place in spring. Seeds and bulbs and new life - starts now!
Beds can be shaped and formed. Seeds can be sown indoors. The lawn can take some renovation - feeding, weeding and seeding.
Summer >>> At this point softwood cuttings take easily. Strategic watering of pots and plants. Deadheading and weeding and some pruning. Mowing & improving lawns.
And sitting and enjoying the garden as much as possible!
Autumn >>> Trimming hedges and shrubs. It is a time for putting the garden to bed for the winter. So tidying dead leaves, weeding and getting ahead for the next season. Also planting bulbs.
Winter >>> Mulches can be applied at this time of year which feeds the whole soil - improving water retention and structure. Plants go dormant in winter. So moving, dividing and planting is good now. Apple & Pear Trees can be pruned and the structure readily assessed. Any sort of tree or shrub can be planted now.